Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mt. Mansfield West Hike August 26, 2008

Drove to Underhill State Park. Walked up the CCC road to the trail head. Ed took 5 people up the Sunset Ridge trail I took 10 people up the CCC road to the Half Way House trail to the Canyon trail and Canyon extension to the Subway trail exit and onto the Long Trail. Ed’s group joined us at the intersection of the Long Trail and the Sunset Ridge Trail. We arrived there within minutes of each other. We eat at the Chin. After lunch, we took everyone north on the Long Trail to Route 108 for pick up.

Ed and Dick

Dan Bershad
Pam Bolton
Elana Dale
Lisa Demaria
Michael Fortunato
Janet Mills
John Mills
Nicholas Radcliffe
Andrew Scanlan
David Scanlan
Karen Scanlan
Stephen Stafford
Joan Werner
Grant Winton
Marina Winton

Pizza with broccoli and tomato
Turkey, cheese, tomato, lettuce sandwich, hard boiled eggs
Rice cakes with peanut butter
PB & Raisin sandwich
Bagel with grilled chicken, bagel with grilled cheese, granola bar
Wrap with turkey, baloney, mustard, & lettuce
PB&J, banana
Grilled cheese, cashews
Mac’s deli Italian sandwich, cherries, nuts
Salami sandwich, granola bar, grapes

1 comment:

dan said...

Great hike. This is worth doing each time yo visit Smuggler's Notch. Dick and Ed are great guides.