Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sterling Range Ridge Hike - August 28, 2008

Sterling Range Hike –Starting at the top of the notch, up the stone steps to Snuffy’s, out to the Mt Mansfield Overview at Spruce Peak, around to the view down into Stowe, back to the Elephant’s Head Trail extension (around the back side of Sterling Pond) to Sterling lodge, out the Long Trail to Drifter Trail, continue on the Long Trail to Drifter again and up Drifter to the top of Madonna. Eat lunch. Go down Chilcoot ski trail to the Long Trail, into the Hansel and Grettle woods, back to Chilcoot and down to Gary B’s Northwest Passage and Ruthie’s, down to Rum Runner’s Reservoir. Down Meadowlark back to the village.

Dick Goff

Julie Crossman
Clare Dalton
Cheryl Frydman
Pamela Satterfield
Marta Tarnowska

PH&J, apple, piece of cheese
Turkey, VT cheddar sandwich, blueberries
PB&J, pineapple, cookie
Chicken breast fillet sandwich

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