Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mt Mansfield West – August 19, 2008

We started at Underhill State Park. At the junction of Laura Cowles and Sunset Ridge we went up Laura Cowles. We went up to the Chin and then back to and down Profanity Trail to the Taft lodge. We ate lunch. We got down to the trail head at route 108 at about 3:10.

Ed Dombroski
Dick Goff

Wayne Brumer
Andrew Evans
Stephanie Green
Stuart Green
Sheila Newman

PB & J (home made blueberry jam)
PB, Balance Bar
PB & J, Plum, Teddy Grahams, Trail Mix, Goldfish
Turkey on whole wheat, Nectarine
Pro Bar, Banana, Cheese sticks, Pretzels

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