Friday, August 15, 2008

Sterling Range Ridge Hike – August 14, 2008

Hike: We drove (and drove and drove) to Mud City in Johnson / Morristown. We hiked up the Beaver Meadow trail and bushwhacked into the meadow. From there we went up the Beaver Meadow trail to the Whiteface shelter where we ate lunch. From there we went north on the Long Trail to the Chilcoot ski trail. We walked down the ski trail to Ruthie’s to Rum Runner’s reservoir. From there we went down Curlie’s Cutback and Meadowlark back to the village.

Guides: Martha and Dick


Susan Chin
Tom Chin
Beth Friedman

Plum, Trail mix, Ham & Cheese with mustard sandwich
PB&J, Cliff bar
Tomatoes, Beans, Zucchini, Rice, Quinoa, Lentils, Chocolate Zucchini Muffin

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