Friday, September 2, 2016

August 30, 2016 Mount Mansfield West

Guides: Oliver & Dick
Hikers: Jonathan, Lauren, Ethan, Arielle, Elana, Scott, Eric, Daniel, Stephanie, Andrea, Jessica

We drove to Underhill State Park. Hiked to the trail on the CCC road. We hiked up the Sunset Ridge Trail to the Long Trail and onto the Chin for lunch. We went back south on the Long Trail to the Subway Trail. We then went down the Cliff Trail. Oliver took some through Wall Street. We met at the top of the gondola. We walked down a ski trail to pick up the Long Trail to Route 108 where Jay picked us up.
Carrots, hamburger, rice, chia seeds,salt, oil & vinegar
Apple, beef, cheese, tomato, lettuce, sandwich, banana
Vegan energy bar
Trail mix with chia seeds
Bagel with smooth PB and strawberry jam, Smart Food
Seared salmon with cumin mustard with honey sandwich, Mozzarella, tomato, avocado with olive oil, dark chocolate
Honey and Oat granola bar
Coffee yogurt, banana
Four people had Almond butter and jelly sandwiches

My FitBit showed a total of 20,594 steps, 9.06 miles, and 254 flights of stairs.

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