Friday, September 2, 2016

August 24, 2016 Mount Mansfield East

Guides: Martha & Dick
Hikers: Anabel, Elena, Ally, Brendan, Ryan, Sarah

Jay took us the bottom of the Gondola in Stowe. We hiked up the Hazelton Trail to the Toll road. We walked along the Toll road to the visitors center. We hiked the Lakeview Trail to the Long Trail South. We stopped at the Forehead for lunch and Sarah’s birthday celebrations. We continued on the Long Trail South to the Wallace Cut Off to the Butler Lodge. We took the Butler Lodge Trail down to the trail head where Jay picked us up.

Sheep Cheese with tomato and garlic on spelt bread.
Farmer's cheese with figs on cinnamon raisin bread, green beans, carrots
Farmer’s cheese with tomato on spelt bread, vegies
Two PB&J sandwiches, trail mix
Hummus, cheese, apple sandwich
PB&J, trail mix
Celery, PB, cheese stick, zucchini muffin, pumpkin energy bites
Quinoa, beets, avocados, cheese, zucchini muffin with almond butter and chocolate

My FitBit showed a total of 19,722 steps, 8.67 miles, and 221 flights of stairs.

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