Friday, July 28, 2017

July 25, 2017 Mount Mansfield West

Guides: Oliver & Dick
Hiker: Lauren, Alexa, Madison, Mark

We drove to the Underhill State Park. We walked up the Eagle Cut Trail to the CCC Road. We hiked up the Halfway House Trail to the Canyon South Trail. Down through the Chimney and Through the Lemon Squeeze.  At the Long Trail we walked north to the Visitors’ Center. We then went north on the Amherst Trail back to the Long Trail. We continued to the Chin and on to Route 108 for pick up.
Roast Beef Sandwich, Almonds
Turkey Sandwich, Almonds, Peach

Rice, carrots, pork, Chia seeds, oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, salt

Hike to the Chin was 13,800 steps by my Fitbit.
Hike down was 9,367 steps by my Fitbit.

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