Saturday, July 23, 2016

July 19, 2016 Mount Mansfield West

Guide: Matt & Dick

Hikers: Ben, David, Jeremy, Clare, Maggie, Jeff, Kari, Tom

We drove to Underhill State Park. Hiked to the trail on the CCC road. We hiked up the Halfway House Trail and onto the Canyon South and on up to the Long Trail. We ate lunch at the visitor center. We hiked to the Cliff Trail and down to the top of the gondola. We hiked down some ski trails to the Hazelton Trail. We met Jay at the bottom of the gondola for our ride back to Smuggs.

PB&J sandwich, beef jerky, granola bar (3 people had this lunch)
Apple, granola and flax seed, PB&J sandwich
Ham and cheese sandwich, Twizzlers
Two PB&J sandwiches, Nachos, 2 granola bars, ½ Hershey bar
PB&J sandwich, animal crackers, granola bar, ½ Hershey bar minus 1 square, Twizzler
PB&J sandwich, trail mix, peppers, 1 square Hershey bar

Carrots, snow peas, PB&J sandwich, trail mix

My FitBit showed 8663 steps (3.8 miles) up to where we ate lunch and 9932 steps (4.54 miles) down for a total of 18595 steps and 8.34 miles.

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