Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 26, 2008 Sterling Range

Katherine Anderson
Michael Anderson
Ann Kolek
Brian Kolek
Scott Lutes
Cara Ocampo
Hazel Ocampo
Nelson Ocampo
Evan Robinson
Phillip Tuttle

Trail mix, Peanuts, Trail bars
Ham & Cheese sandwich M&M
Guacamole, Cheese & Baby greens
Turkey & Swiss
Chicken breast sandwich with Grapes
PB & J on oatmeal
Raisin bread
Sausage Patty in a roll, Cheese stick
Cold hot dog in a bun
Peanut Butter with imitation (soy) beacon bits

Martha and I did the usual Sterling Range hike.

June 24, 2008 Mount Mansfield West Hike

Gerard Canavan
Thomasina Canavan
Andy Coggins
Cindy Eichbauer
James Hurwitz
Jennifer Karlovits
Robert Karlovits
Brendon Kelly
Nicole Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Sean Kelly
Ann Kolek
Brian Kolek
Hazel Ocampo
Nelson Ocampo
Evan Robinson
Sarah Schaefer
Wendy Vischer
Kevin Walsh

Sorry, My paper was too wet to write on.

We started at Underhill State Park. Ed and I split at the junction of Laura Co and Sunset Ridge. Ed went with 3 people up Sunset Ridge and I went up Laura Co with 16 others. There was only one working radio and no cell phone. I took my own cell phone and exchanged numbers with one of the people with Ed. Just before my group got to the place where Laura Co rejoins Sunset Ridge the phone rang. We all had heard thunder and Ed was a long way below us. His group decided to go back. From where we were, it was a lot shorter to go onto Taft Lodge for shelter than to go back to Underhill. So on we went and then the rain started, no more Thunder. We went down Profanity Trail to the lodge, the rain stopped. I called Smuggs for a ride for Ed and asked Jay to try to get us at 3:00 instead of 3:30. After eating we headed down. About half way down it started raining cats and dogs. My boots and everything else was wet. The last of the group reached the road at 2:58. Jay got there at about 2:56.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 19, 2008 Sterling Range Ridge Hike

Hiked today with:
Elaine Judd
Augusto Podesta
Priscila Podesta

Cheese, Lettuce and Mustard Sandwich
Gu, Trail mix, & Energy Bar
Tuna, carrot cuccumber, lettuce, cheese egg on multi grain bread

Did the usual hike with Martha. Up to Spruce Peak, around the back of Sterling Pond, on over to the top of Madonna, and back to the village.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17 2008 Mount Mansfield West

Hiked today with:
Kathy & Mike Anderson
Robby Eastman
Dan Samson
Deborah Schwengel
Max Seltzer
Dave Whitmore

We went up Sunset Ridge to the Long Trail.
Due to thunder in the distance, we took Profanity Trail to Taft lodge for lunch.
Took the Long trail to route 108.

Some lunches:
Corn Beef Sandwich
Snap peas
An apple and trail mix
Cheese Sandwich
PB & J
PB & bacon bits